Funded Qian’s notebook computer for online classes

Jun 28.2022 | Fulfilling Dreams

Qian’s dad was a veteran and passed away a few years ago. Qian’s twin sisters both have cerebral palsy due to oxygen insufficiency during childbirth. Their mother has to stay at home caring for them, so the entire family relies on limited social benefits to cover their basic needs. The pandemic in recent years has turned school education into online teaching, but Qian has only a mobile phone to access online classes. The tiny screen was a strain on her eyes, so she was desperate for a notebook computer. The Veterans’ Service Department of Nantou (VSDN) notified the Foundation of Qian’s needs. As evaluated and granted by the Foundation, we bought Qian a notebook computer and supplies (like diapers) for her sisters. The VSDN came with the Foundation to deliver the presents to the family and gave the Foundation a thank you certificate. Qian’s story got covered in the media and the general public were happy for Qian too.