The Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation and the Veterans’ Service Department of Changhua hosted a fun mid-autumn festival event for the veterans

Sep 22.2020 | Promote Senior Citizen Long Term Care

Taiwan’s population is aging at speed and Taiwan has officially become an aging society. In a bid to encourage old veterans of limited resources that live alone to get out there and interact with the outside world, the Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation (CYFF) and the Veterans’ Service Department of Changhua (VSDZ) jointly hosted the mid-autumn charity event on the 22nd (which month?) under the banner of “Full Moon at Bagua Mountain; Full love from Evergreen”. We hope that the event could spice up the elders' life, promote social interaction among old people and energize their health. The event was attended by the VSDZ’s director, Yang Yu-Rong; the CYFF’s chief executive officer, Zhong De-Mei; and the Veterans and Dependents Foundation’s secretary, Liu Yu-Quan. Many veterans and their dependents were also invited to join in on the fun at the buzzing event.

The event began with the paper cutting teacher took the elders on a session of DIY paper cutting, through which the elders were trained to use their hand muscles and boost their hand-eye coordination. The elders were seen focusing on cutting the paper, some overdid the cutting, some others got their scissors out of line. They all had a good laugh. Those who finished the cut happily showed off their works. The full moon, high above, together with the stars shined on the Buddha statue atop the Bagua Mountain. The sight evoked a sense of togetherness under a full moon. The event helped the elders gain happiness and confidence. There was also a sing-along session accompanied by sign language. The familiar old song, Togetherness, plus simple sign language movements, got the elders to sing along, energized their brain, stretched their limbs and boosted their health.

The Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation also bought 200 packets of mid-autumn festival moon cakes from the Little Happiness Link Social Welfare Foundation to distribute to veterans and their families of limited resources so that they could feel the warmth from the Foundation and the general public, while boosting the finance of a social welfare institution impacted by the pandemic.

The Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation’s chief executive officer, Zhong De-Mei, stated, “The Foundation has been caring about the aging population issues for some time and provided timely essential resources. For instance, we worked with long term care departments in colleges in joint care of the community elders; we organized shared meals and shared habitation for the youths and the elders; we sponsored health care for adults with Down’s syndrome in institutions for the disabled; we cared about the health of the elders with Down’s syndrome; we funded long-term care services for the disadvantaged elders; we helped the elders in solitary dwelling spend their final years at home, we funded the hardware repair of the day care center in remote areas and so on. We hope to bring love and warmth to society and call on the general public to join us in the care for the disadvantaged elders in all corners of society.” "

The VSDZ’s director, Yang Yu-Rong, stated, “Thank you to the Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation for its long-term care for the elderly veterans. Besides offering them emergency financial aid, they also came to visit the elders with festive gift packs and supplies at the annual Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. Quite a heartwarming gesture.” The elder veteran, surnamed Ren, said gaily, “I am very thankful for everyone’s concern. I am always happy to see the Foundation staff coming to visit us. This time they brought along moon cakes made by those in the institution for the disabled. They are benefiting two disadvantaged groups with one good deed.” "