Donated home-care beds to Home of Honorable Citizens in Bai’he
May 07.2021 | Promote Senior Citizen Long Term Care/
#Located in Bai’he, Tainan, The Home of Honorable Citizens in Bai’he is home to 300 plus elderly veterans. The beds that they slept on were mostly over 20 years old, and rundown. Their partial components are out of production and could only be replaced by models of the same grade, which might pose a hazard in use. #After assessing the situation, the Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation agreed to the immediate donation of 20 brand-new home-care beds. The Foundation’s chairman, Wu Jing-Ming showed up in person to express concern. The Veterans Affairs Council’s commissioner, Feng Shi-Kuan, was very thankful for the Foundation’s help to raise the care standards and make the care environments better for the elderly veterans.