Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation helped disadvantaged patients/families with burn injuries in Hualian and Taitung see sunshine again

Aug 19.2019 | Medical Care in Remote Areas

To help disadvantaged patients/families with burn injuries in Hualian and Taitung and allow patients with burn injuries to focus on their rehabilitation minus any stress, the Foundation on August 19 donated NT$250,000 towards Sunshine’s rehabilitation service for patients with burn injuries to help them along the lengthy path towards recovery.

The Foundation has long been dedicated to the care of Taiwan’s eastern region sending inspectors to visit tribes and remote rural areas and help many disadvantaged low-income families. It is noted after a long-term investigation that Hualian and Taitung areas, compared with Taiwan’s western areas, clearly lack medical resources due to its vast geographic space and infrequent transport service. In cases of burn injuries which require extensive time and continuous rehabilitation, it thus incurs extra costs for patients with burn injuries in these areas to receive treatment. Many of the individual cases that the Foundation cared for are mostly the breadwinner of their family. The necessary long-term treatment and rehabilitation can bring the family income to a dire situation. The Foundation needs to come up with a comprehensive package besides giving them financial support in the first instance. As such, we hope to work with Sunshine and together help the patients with burn injuries come out of their adversities, while drawing attention to the issues faced by disadvantaged families/patients with burn injuries.

Wei Chang-Po, director of Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation Eastern Service Center (shortened to Sunshine) mentioned that Sunshine’s Eastern Service Center was set up 18 years ago and has since served over 1,500 patients with burn injuries or facial damage in Hualian and Taitung, offering them physiological and psychological rehabilitation, financial aid, family support and care. Thank you to the Foundation for reaching out when it’s most needed and funding the entirety of our remaining expenses for our service to people with burn injuries in Sunshine’s Eastern Service Center this year. We hope to help the disadvantaged patients return to workplace soon and rekindle hope for their family. To the 2015 New Taipei Water Park Fire victims, the Foundation donated NT$20 million voluntarily to financially support the victims’ medical treatment and ensuing rehabilitation and everyday living cost, as well as hosting a one-year anniversary concert the following year to boost the morale of those still undergoing rehabilitation as a gesture to pass on positive energy. Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation will continue to invest resources in aid of disadvantaged groups in the spirit of “feeling the pain as if it’s your own pain” and transmit the power of doing good to all corners of society.