Hosted charity seminar to share stories and invite all to give some love

Nov 14.2019 | Charity Care Activities

Changing the world is not about one person doing a lot but everyone doing a little. The Foundation, Taiwan NPO Information Platform and Evergreen Laurel Hotel (Taichung) together hosted a charity seminar titled, “Talk, Listen, Let’s Act” on November 14 to publicize to people where more help and love is needed. Ten charities were invited to give a presentation each, which was then compiled into a video and shared on social media to spur more people into action, support social welfare groups and improve our society.

As soon as the Foundation sent out the invitation, social welfare groups in central Taiwan responded avidly, e.g., Yunsen Foundation, Good Samaritan Women Center, Yang Sheng Foundation, Rock Social Welfare Foundation, and Taichung Social Welfare Foundation for People with Learning Difficulties who all signed up for the event. To a packed audience, senior staff of these social welfare groups shared the stories of the cases that they served. At times, the audience was moved in tears, and at others, they shared a laugh over these bittersweet life stories.

The Foundation said that each act of kindness begins with a small idea and each small idea has a chance to grow into a big loving action. The organizer was due to compile the snippets of stories presented on the day into a video to be shared on social media hoping to plant a seedling of kindness in every one of us.

Yang Li-Ping, CEO of Good Samaritan Women Center in Taichung dedicated to long-term care of homeless women said that many homeless people end up homeless due to irreversible reasons or circumstances beyond their control, e.g., mental health issues, chronic diseases, and dysfunctional families. Homeless women are often more vulnerable than the rest of the vulnerable groups. They end up in the street prone to personal security hazards. Many of them actually have a job but don’t earn enough for them to live in a home. They need help to stabilize their wandering soul.

Wang Zhao-Ping, CEO of Yunsen Foundation a charity that reaches out to children from single-parent families, said with detail that when parents separate, if they don’t give their children a healthy upbringing, the kids will end up with psychological disorders to an extent where they will become teenage parents themselves and then generate more social problems. These kids need long-term company and more resources and care from society.

Xu Bing-Xun, General Manager of Evergreen Laurel Hotel (Taichung), pointed out that Evergreen Laurel Hotel once teamed up with the Foundation to help a mother with cancer fulfill her dream of enjoying dining and a stay in a five-star hotel in her final days of life. The hotel also helped her record a farewell message for her daughter to see later on in the future so as to ease the daughter’s fear of losing a mother. In the future the hotel will serve as a platform and invite their guests to take part in all areas of charity events to fulfill its corporate social responsibility.

The Foundation hosted three charity marketing seminars in 2019 alongside Taiwan NPO Information Platform. Seminar No. 1 “Innovative NPO new media marketing” was well received by social welfare groups in northern Taiwan. Seminar No. 2 “Deconstruct NPO network analysis” held in Tainan helped many groups analyze what catches people’s attention. Seminar No. 3 “Charity Talk” held in Taichung was presented as a sharing session to call on the general public to care about other people that need our love.