Cared for Keelung City Home Care Center

May 23.2022 | Disaster Relief and Assistance

In response to the need of those in home quarantine, Keelung set up the "Home Care Center". But within one month, the confirmed cases of infection shot up from 100 plus to an average of 2,000 plus cases a day resulting in a huge increase of people in isolation and mounting workload in the Home Care Center. To show support from society towards the pandemic prevention personnel, Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation teamed up with Evergreen Laurel Hotel (Keelung) to root for the frontline Home Care Center staff with the hotel’s custom-made exquisite bread box.

We learned from on-site visits that the Home Care Center service hours are open from 9 am to 9pm to provide confirmed cases with pandemic prevention care packs, purchase of everyday supply, garbage pickup, emergency relief, online video home schooling, psychotherapy transferal, and other cases that cannot be categorized will also be integrated and dealt with. The phone has never stopped ringing, hence the extraordinary workload.

The Foundation and Evergreen Laurel Hotel (Keelung) visited Keelung Home Care Center on May 20 in person and gifted the center with premium bread gift packs and the center staff were all very touched by the gesture. On the day we were received by Luo Wen-Zhang, deputy director of Keelung City Government’s Social Affairs Department who let us know that most people are aware of the hard work of the front-line medical staff but they are surprised that the Foundation and Evergreen Laurel Hotel would have in mind the hardworking staff in Home Care Center and brought them delicious meal pack. The love was felt by all that were present. Zhang Shu-Hua, an operation coordination in the center told us that these city government staff working on shifts took up to 800 phone calls a day, answering all kinds of questions, ended up with a coarse voice, sometimes had to handle callers with all kinds of emotions, and the stress was piling up so much that many of them would burst into tears. But still they handled all callers with patience and a friendly attitude.

Since the pandemic outbreak, the Foundation has intermittently purchased 1,000 crates of tangors and distribute them to disadvantaged groups in Hsinchu; donated tens of thousands of protective garments, masks and other equipment to Taipei City Police Bureau and Taipei MacKay Memorial Hospital; funded a rapid-screening station at National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch; purchased 1,000 moon cakes made by social welfare groups and distributed them to disadvantaged elders and families. The above were examples of how the Foundation supported the governmental and civilian organizations with real action in the hope that we could soon put all these difficult pandemic-combating times behind us with concerted effort.