Reached out to Keelung’s disadvantaged elders in Huashan Social Welfare Foundation

Jul 30.2021 | Promote Senior Citizen Long Term Care

As the pandemic alert continues, Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation is now in its fourth consecutive year funding the care budget for 20 solitary elders in Keelung and New Taipei City through Huashan Social Welfare Foundation. On July 30, a team of volunteers led by the Foundation’s chairman, Wu Jing-Ming, visited the elders at home and kept them company.

Mr. Wang, 81 years old, lives alone in Keelung, single, receives low-income benefits for sight impairment and has almost no contact with his siblings. Wang had a hard life in Shandong when he was a youth, then worked in a grocery store in a ship building yard after moving to Taiwan. Degenerating vision checkup led to a diagnosis of glaucoma which then put him out of work. He later went to the blind’s association to learn skills and then was transferred to work in a hospital as a masseur. But elderly masseurs are not in high demand among customers these days, so he had to stay at home all alone. When visiting Wang at home, the Foundation chairman also brought him a dehumidifier and everyday supplies and had a game of Chinese chess with him, which made Wang quite happy.

Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation has been caring for disadvantaged elders for quite some time by sponsoring the social welfare institutions that serve the elder. The Foundation hopes to create an elders-friendly social ambience and have the elders surrounded and safeguarded by love.。

#Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation

#Huashan Social Welfare Foundation

#Keep on donating

#Love around the clock