Funded Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) Liching Club medical service in Nantou

Feb 01.2023 | Medical Care in Remote Areas

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) Liching Club spent their winter holiday conducting medical service in Kadu Tribe, Zhongzheng Village, Renai Township, Nantou County to promote health education, a wide array of health screening & examinations; to help locals build healthy habits; to go into every household and chat to them about their health information and promote enhance community medicine. Liching Club also ran educational camps based on the needs of Zhongzheng Elementary Schools with the purpose of developing children’s creativity and expanding their vision for the future so as to think about future careers. The Foundation sponsored 80 pieces of paper models and 80 wooly hats donated by SummitGo Industry Co., Ltd. so that they could feel the love from society.