One loving deed for multiple welfare groups: Mid-Autumn Festival Charity Event

Sep 10.2021 | Disaster Relief and Assistance

Most social welfare groups would all wish for their moon cake gift packs to peak around the annual Mid-Autumn Festival so as to fund their services for the mentally and physically disabled. But the pandemic in the past two years has impacted the economy and caused the donations to plummet, which makes it harder for the charities to rely on the sales of Mid-Autumn Festival gift packs to boost their income. Zhaoxing Power Activation Center commented that the pandemic has caused many companies to reduce all expenses. Also, the pandemic prevention measures have prevented their sales staff from meeting with suppliers. All factors considered, the orders for gift packs have dwindled.

The Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation reached out to these welfare groups and placed advance orders for a total of 1,600 moon cake gift packs from four charities that serve people with physical and mental disabilities: Zhaoxing Power Activation Center, St. Colette Catholic Taichung Center for Special Needs, Ruo Zhu Social Welfare Foundation, and Guanyin Home of Love, hoping that society will follow suit and buy from the above charities. Later on, the moon cakes were distributed to disadvantaged families that the Foundation supported across Taiwan, as well as giving them to elders in the Huashan Social Welfare Foundation. The goal was to carry out one good deed and benefit multiple welfare groups.

The Foundation chairman, Wu Jing-Ming, attended the One deed; Multiple results: Mid-Autumn Festival Charity Event in person on Sep 10 to express words of encouragement for the welfare groups and hand over the moon cake gift packs to the elders. Chairman Wu Jing-Ming stated that though the pandemic has impacted our life, there is still love and warmth in our society. The welfare groups hang onto their positions throughout the adversities and offer the best services to those with mental and physical disabilities. For that we at the Foundation would like to express our sincere admiration and respect. We hope to carry on serving as the welfare groups’ staunch support so that we can go further together on the path of charitable causes. Huang Ming-Ya, director at the St. Colette Catholic Taichung Center for Special Needs stated that the rampant pandemic this year has caused a shortage of funds in our institution, hence lots of pressure. Fortunately, the Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation has reached out and placed the orders to give us substantial help and uplift our confidence at the institution.

#Zhaoxing Power Activation Center

#St. Colette Catholic Taichung Center for Special Needs

#Ruo Zhu Social Welfare Foundation

#Guanyin Home of Love

#Huashan Social Welfare Foundation

#Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation

#One deed; Multiple results

#Mid-Autumn Festival Charity Event