[One Charitable Act, Double the Love] Helping to Clean the Home Environment, Recuperating with Peace of Mind[One Charitable Act, Double the Love] Helping to Clean the Home Environment, Recuperating with Peace of Mind

Dec 02.2022 | Author :

Mr. Hsiao lives with his elderly mother, but he has been suffering from liver cancer for many years and is in very weak health, so his home has accumulated a lot of "miscellaneous items" for more than 20 years, resulting in a messy home. The odor emanating from their home can even be felt by the neighborhood residents. The items piled up inside the house are things that the elderly mother has collected over the years, some of which were previously discarded but retrieved later. Now, due to her advanced age and poor heart condition, she is no longer able to pick up items as her mobility is limited. However, they lack the means to clear the clutter. During one of the relief efforts, the case investigator was asked by the mayor of Douliu City, Mr. Lin Sheng-Chueh, with assistance to help clean up the house. The Foundation asked the Maria Social Welfare Foundation to help, and the "Maria Mom Expert Cleaning Team" helped clean up the house, so that Mr. Hsiao and his mother could live and convalesce in a clean home environment, and at the same time, the disadvantaged trainees of the team could increase their income.

   Interviewers accompany Mayor Lin to care for the elderly at home

 Entrance to residence

 Living room


 Bathroom after thorough cleaning

 Living room after thorough cleaning

  Participants after completing their jobs for the day

Group photo