Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation Supports Yunlin Disabled Orchestra, Playing the Symphony of HopeChang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation Supports Yunlin Disabled Orchestra, Playing the Symphony of Hope

Jul 02.2023 | Author :

We live in a diverse and inclusive society where everyone has the right to equality and respect. However, people with disabilities still face many difficulties and challenges, often being overlooked or excluded, with few opportunities to showcase their talents and abilities.

Today, the Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation donated funds to the Yunlin County Little Angels Development Association's talent learning program, supporting the association's newly formed "Blow and Drum Joy" orchestra. Through musical activities, the program helps children with disabilities undergo sensory integration training, stabilizing their emotions, enabling them to learn joyfully, enhancing their social skills, and promoting their participation and integration in society. Yunlin County Deputy Magistrate Xie Shuya, Director Lin Wenzhi of the Social Affairs Department, Chairman Wu Jingming of the Chang Rong Fa Charity Foundation, and Chairman Zhang Weizhong of the Yunlin County Little Angels Development Association were all present.

At the beginning of the event, the "Blow and Drum Joy" orchestra delivered several wonderful performances. Each member magically showcased their musical skills. Some played the cello, their bows gently caressing the strings, emitting deep and elegant melodies. Some played the flute, the notes floating in the air with the performer's breath. Some members played the wooden drums, each beat full of focus and strength, allowing the guests present to rediscover the power of music and the unlimited potential within each individual. Subsequently, the little angels from the sensory integration training class, amidst the melodious orchestra performance, happily presented bouquets and affectionate hugs to Chairman Wu Jingming of the foundation, expressing their gratitude, creating a heartwarming and touching scene.

The Yunlin County Little Angels Development Association, in its care for children with disabilities, established the "Blow and Drum Joy" orchestra many years ago to compensate for the children's lack of expressive ability through music. After years of operation, the instruments used in performances have gradually become old, and the performance group uniforms have begun to wear out. The association has also often been troubled with raising funds for hiring music teachers. Upon learning of this, the foundation immediately sponsored new instruments such as flutes, xylophones, metallophones, and drums, and created new performance group uniforms, as well as assisted in funding the hiring of music teachers, creating a professional learning environment for the orchestra.

Deputy County Magistrate Xie Shuya stated, "Thank you to the foundation for caring for the disabled groups in Yunlin County and contributing to the care of vulnerable groups. Through the learning of music and performances, musical notes are transformed into words, conveying their inner emotions, and making up for the lack of expressive ability. When we provide a stage for people with disabilities to perform, we also give ourselves an opportunity to feel their beauty and strength, thus promoting respect and integration in society."

Chairman Wu Jingming of the foundation said, "I believe that children with disabilities have unlimited potential. They just need appropriate support and opportunities to radiate their unique brilliance. Seeing the children perform confidently and smile on stage, and receiving applause, a sense of achievement arises within them. This kind of development enhances the children's self-confidence and transcends the boundaries of physical and mental disabilities."

Chairman Zhang Weizhong of the Little Angels Development Association mentioned, "When the orchestra was first established, there were no instruments, no money, no teachers, and no venues for classes. We relied on the help of various sectors all the way to the present. In recent years, due to the pandemic, donations have decreased. We are grateful that the foundation has timely extended a helping hand, helping the association with relocation expenses last year for the Heart-to-Heart Workshop, and this year continuing to sponsor the talent learning program, helping these disabled children learn and grow, allowing them to bravely step forward."

The Chang Yung-Fa Charity Foundation has long been concerned about the physically and mentally disabled community. In addition to individual subsidies, it also supports project funding for disabled groups. In the future, it will continue to provide more resources and opportunities for people with disabilities, helping them overcome the challenges and obstacles they face and shining brightly with their own strength.
